AgriNet, with operations in Chamoli District of Uttarakhand, northern India, has joined Pond Foundation.
AgriNet is a transformative social enterprise dedicated to addressing the scarcity of premium organic certified essential oils and the degradation of the rural ecosystem.It supports predominantly women, smallholder farmers with technical knowledge, training, and inputs to grow aromatic crops and regenerate barren lands that have become degraded by infestation by invasive weeds like Lantana Camara. It combines regenerative agricultural outreach with technology to improve efficiencies and returns to the lands and farmers. This multifaceted approach not only contributes to the production of high-quality essential oils but also creates a positive socio-economic impact in the region.
AgriNet is joining PondFoundation’s My Carbon Zero and Regen21 initiatives. We will support the company in its regenerative efforts through its biochar program, our communications to promote its amazing work, and by helping it to benefit from the synergies that are thriving between Pond Foundation members.
As a Pond Foundation member,AgriNet will also address its own Lifetime Carbon Balance, ensuring that it walks its talk on climate change.
Scott Poynton, Pond Foundation’s Founder, shares that, “It’s great to welcome Agrinet and its Fragrant Chamoli Project toPond Foundation. Like our Regen21 project in Ghana, AgriNet is focused on regenerating degraded lands and the rural communities that depend on them. It’s strong focus on supporting women smallholder farmers resonates very strongly with us. AgriNet is a serious, values-led company. We’ll do everything we canto advance their work.”
Ronald Castelino is AgriNet’sFounder and CEO. “The first time I had a conversation with Scott, we connected on key ethical issues that focus on taking action on soil conservation and leaving a healthier environment for the future generations. I am sure his experience and knowledge on regenerative agriculture, building efficient supply chain management systems; and collaborating with other member of the foundation would positively impact Agrinet’s mission.”

AgriNet’s Fragrant Chamoli project, established in Uttarakhand, serves to engage and educate local communities about the potential of organic and innovative farming practices. By clearing invasive weeds, implementing on-site biochar production, and cultivating Lemongrass and Chamomile, the project has already achieved remarkable success in alleviating agricultural pressures faced by local communities. It has significantly reduced water wastage, fostered rural entrepreneurship, and contributed to the preservation of local soil and natural resources. In one year, the project has cleared 75 acres of invasive weeds. As of February 2023, approximately 150 farmers have registered to participate in the initiative, showcasing its positive reception and engagement within the community.